Friday, September 3, 2010

Start Packing those Lunches!

My older son started first grade this week. It has been a long week filled with apprehensions and questions-for me that is. Is this the "right" school? Is this the "best" class? Will he know how to get to the restroom? Kyle, as opposed to mom, has taken it all in stride. He was a bit nervous and wondered if he would make new friends, but all of those nerves seem to have passed just fine. He and his life-long buddy figured out how to buy milk at lunch to supplement the lunch we pack and both boys appear to be okay with their teacher's firm disposition. Kyle is smiling when I pick him up, so I consider the week to be a success. As always I need to remember to listen and watch his cues in an effort to figure out his level of comfort instead of managing him based on my level of comfort. So much easier said than done.

And so once again I am reminded how parenting, and life in general, is all about phases. There is the pregnancy phase and the infant phase. There is the "looking for a perfect preschool phase" and now I find that the school-aged years are a whole 'nother ball of wax. Unchartered territory ahead . . . ready or not, here come the O.G.s.

My worlds, mommyhood and Dieitian, once again collide as I have had tons of requests for lunch box ideas as the kiddos all head back to the classroom. Here are some of the tips that I have found most helpful when planning lunches while doing your best to avoid the "sandwich, apple, bag of chips" slump.

  • Have every
    thing you need on hand - a couple lunch boxes, containers of all different sizes (love those ziploc/rubbermaid containers) disposable (or at least cheap) spoons that you wont mind never seeing again.

  • Don't limit yourself to sliced bread. Of course I always want everyone to be eating whole grains, but buy a variety of bread alternatives. The kids and I love those cool sandwich rounds that seem to be popping up all over the place. Whole wheat tortillas can turn a boring turkey & cheese sandwich into a fun tortilla roll-up. Use a little creamcheese as a spread to help the roll stay rolled and then slice up into pinwheels! I also love, love, love the whole-wheat mini pitas from Trader Joes. Cut the pita into wedges and have some hummus in the lunch box for dipping. The younger set definately thrives on small finger foods and they can manage easily.

  • Include a source of Carbohydrate, Protein, a Fruit and a Vegetable in your child's lunch everday. It is the O.G. mantra - Carb, Protein, Fruit, Veggie.

  • Apples are awesome, but remember to provide variety! Cut up some fresh fruit on the weekend and set it aside so that you can give the kids a scoop everday. Melon and grapes will stay yummy at least through Wednesday.

  • No need to include "dessert" everyday. Let me tell you that when you rarely include something sweet in your little one's lunch they REALLY appreciate it when you do. I much rather have a child come home excited and suprised that they had a treat in their lunch than having a cranky kid complain there wasn't dessert in their lunch!

  • Find out if your child's teacher allows snacks in the classroom (I have found that most do). Remember that your body (including your brain) runs off of the fuel that food provides. Having a little carb/protein snack (eg crackers and a string cheese) mid-morning is going to boost their ability to focus and learn - thereby making is more likely that they will get a fantastic job and support us in our old age! Just checking to see if you are reading!

In Health, Yo