Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have been putting some menus together for a couple clients and found this nifty little recipe (I actually think of it as an activity) for you and the little ones. I know that my 3 and 5 year olds are going to love this. I will love it because it is quick and easy - it may be messy but my husband* does all the kitchen cleaning so I don't really care. I would love to take photos of the boy's creations for you but I am awaiting my new camera's arrival. Feel free to send me pics you are willing to let me download to the blog!

*just checkin to see if you are reading, Todd!

Coconut Bananas (Reproduced with Permission from Today's Dieitian)

1½ T cocoa
1½ T shredded coconut
2 bananas

Directions:Place cocoa on a plate and coat another plate with the coconut. Roll banana slices in cocoa, and then dip in coconut.

Makes 2 servings
Nutrition Analysis Per Serving
Calories: 141.86
Protein: 2.16 g
Carbs: 31.28 g
Total Fat: 2.31 g
Saturated Fat: 1.5 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 12.6 mg
Fiber: 4.01 g