Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kick A Girl While She is Down, Why Don't You

Yea, yea, so I was all excited to start blogging more regularly after months (or a year) of struggling to "only" be 10 paces behind where I needed to be. Part of my plan to get back on track was to visit some doctors and get some routine visits behind me. Mind you, at 40 I have a ridiculous amount of health issues - need both knees replaced, have narcolepsy, blah, blah, blah. I had ignored some of the more routine check-ups I needed to do because . . . oh, I don't know, my dad died, then my 19 year old cat died, and then our 12 year old golden retriever died and then my mom died (and somewhere in that 1.5 year span, my sister had a stroke, underwent major heart surgery, died twice on the table before having a pacemaker put in, and my mother-in-law suffered a rotten bout of c-diff and then had a stroke herself). Awesome, right? And let me (or any of my friends who have traveled this road with me) tell you that I am just giving you the highlights.

The moment the kids were back in school for the fall, I made some appointments and had some bloodwork done. Mission accomplished - I had taken care of myself. I must confess that I was primarily concerned about my lipid panel and blood sugar labs because I have some rotten family history in those areas. The day after I had my blood drawn I get a phone call from the nurse at one of the doc's offices telling me that I need to get back in the office ASAP because I have some disturbing lab results. REALLY? Yea, no, sorry, I don't have time. I was actually taking this phone call as I was getting ready to board a plane to NM (last minute trip to help my siblings put out yet another fire). I was going to be in NM for less than 24 hours and and then I was booked solid with work for the next week. I, somewhat defiantly, told the nurse I would not be available to be bothered with my poor health until the following week. And PS, blood sugar and lipids look fabulous. Yea. Whoop-dee-doo.

Over the next few days I start to panic. Holy crap (sorry, crap is one of my favorite words), HOLY CRAP! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME??? I have amazing friends, as those of you who read regularly (or are one of those amazing friends) already know. These amazing friends have knowledge in many, many areas and I have to say it is quite handy. At this time I turn to those amazing friends who have medical knowledge. They know this stuff because they have spent years of their lives practicing medicine. Their comments are equally as fabulous as they are . . . I read them my labs and they say things like "Are you dead yet?", "Whoa. That aint right", "Huh, that explains a lot.", "WHAT THE ???" and "yea, now looking back on it, you have looked pretty pale." Thanks. Gawd, I love my friends and their sense of humor. After making me laugh with their clear insensitivity they offered up sound advice . . . and an offer of valium and wine.

I tell you all of this so that you will #1, cut me some slack for slacking on the blog and #2 so that you can feel sorry for me - because I have found the sympathy that I have gotten to be quite comforting.

What lies ahead is a quest to find the answer to whatever the heck is wrong with me . . . more labs, more tests, and hopefully a treatment that gets me feeling better. While all of this is going on I hope to blog more about BEING HEALTHY and less about being unhealthy.

In Health (whatever that is),